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The mission of Early Education Enrichment is to build a home based teaching network of caring professionals who stimulate and enhance the minds of preschool and kindergarten children through our interactive, fun and professionally qualified learning programs.

Early Education Enrichment (EEE) offers interactive, fun and professionally accepted learning programs for preschool and kindergarten students to help them excel at an early age – and in years to come.
Our commitment to you evolves from our own passion as parents to provide a professional teaching environment that stimulates and enhances the minds of our children and builds stronger educational foundations from which they can grow and succeed.
How Will My Child Benefit from EEE?
We Open Their Minds
EEE opens the doors to education to offer your child a new world of opportunities to use the talent and knowledge that exists at their age level while it expands their thought processes and learning skills.
As our classes are taught in small differentiated groups, your child will be fully engaged in the lesson without distractions and with one-on-one attention from a qualified educator. In this student-centered learning environment, your child will learn at his or her developmentally appropriate level which, in turn, has proven to increase the desire for learning.
We Open Their Eyes
Through our multi-sensory teaching techniques, the students gain confidence and pride in their work which prepare them for what’s to come and gives them a jump-start on the skills they will use the rest of their lives. By transcending what they are learning in their daily school curriculum, with our innovative and certified teaching techniques, your child will learn how to learn and have fun along the way.

The EEE Benefits
Every child is different and that is what makes our job so inspirational; although there seem to be endless benefits that we have seen evolve over the years, here are the highlights of what you can expect when you enroll your child in our Early Education
Enrichment program:
Increased desire for learning
Enhanced social skills and self-confidence
Improved reading fluency and comprehension
Strengthened (early) writing skills
Engaged interest in math concepts
Enhanced problem-solving skills
Motivated to become life-long learners … and to reach their full potential.
Request Free Materials
Parents will receive: Sample Lesson, 1 Hour Class Observation, and a Parent Testimonial.
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